Front End Developer (ReactJS)

EXPERUM Human Resources is a domestic advisory company operating and supporting its Clients with such processes as recruitment, selections, consulting, trainings for over 23 years.
Our Client is a well-known international IT service company. Currently we are looking for Candidates interested in the position of:

Front End Developer (ReactJS)

Ref. No.: 8600/FE

Workplace: Cracow
Company: Syntel
Remuneration:   17 000 PLN


•    min. of 4-8 years of hands-on experience in Web Development with mandatory experience in JS based frameworks such as ReactJS and AngularJS,

•    experience in designing Responsive Web Design (RWD) sites,

•    experience using MVC application frameworks such as Spring MVC, Struts. Continuous Integration and TDD through the use of BitBucket/Git/SubVersion etc, Jenkin and JUnit/Mockito with code analysis using PMD etc.,

•    excellent skills in HTML 5, CSS 3 and JS,

•    sound knowledge on API concepts with experience in building UIs against SOAP/REST based Web Services etc.,

•    knowledge on Microservices architecture style is desirable,

•    knowledge of different development tools such as Eclipse and build tools such as Maven/Gradle etc,

•    good domain knowledge in Banking.

Send us your application documents (CV) with ref. No. included:

Make sure to insert the following statement along with your CV: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych dla realizacji procesu rekrutacji, zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 z późn. zm.)." Only successful applicants will be contacted for interview.

Data dodania: 2018-06-22
Oferta ważna do: 2018-07-20
Branże: ...
Wymagane doświadczenie: Nie określono
Wymagane wykształcenie: Nie określono
Forma zatrudnienia: Nie określono
Poziom stanowiska: Nie określono
Wynagrodzenie: brak informacji
Możliwość pracy zdalnej: NIE

Experum HR